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Carpinito Brothers, Inc.

Kent, WA

H2A Available Job

Number of Workers Requested:  6
Farmworker will participate in general duties associated with a commercial farming operation including but not limited to; planting, growing, harvesting and packing of various row crops. In addition, individual will comply with all safety, labor, and food safety requirements; maximize crop by best weeding and harvesting practices; perform work on and off tractors, that seed crops, transplant crops, spray crops, and cultivate fields; hand harvest crops, perform work moving and setting up irrigation pipes and attend all safety meetings. Crops: Vegetable row crops, herbs, and annuals. These crops listed may or may not be planted and employer is not limited to only these crops listed. Grower may grow one or more of the listed crops depending on many variables including favorable available markets, favorable plant stock, and unexpected land availability, favorable weather conditions, poor crop and weather conditions in other growing areas and other factors that cannot be determined at the time the application is made. Farmers will frequently decide whether to plant these crops and what crops they will plant after this job order is submitted. Crops may not be determined until well after the employment has begun. The anticipated work periods involved in these other crops vary widely and can occur at any time during the growing season and during the course of employment period. Please see Addendum C: A.8.A Job Duties

Job Requirements

Experience Required:  Yes
Months of Experience Required:  3
Special Requirements:  See Addendum C: B.2 Additional Information Job Requirements
Number of Hours Per Week:  40
Work Schedule (Start/End time):  7:00 A.M. – 2:30 P.M.

Employer Information

Trade Name/Doing Business As:  Carpinito Brothers, Inc
Company Name:  Carpinito Brothers, Inc
Location:  Kent, WA 98032
Telephone Number:  +12538545692

Worksite Address:

1148 Central Ave. N., Kent, WA 98032

Tagged as: H2A Available Jobs

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