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Peter Pan Seafoods Company, LLC | Wild Alaskan Seafood

Bellevue, WA

H2B Available Jobs

King Cove, located 600 air miles SW of Anchorage at the end of the Alaska Peninsula is home to Peter Pan’s largest processing facility. King Crab, bairdi and opilio tanner crab, pollock, cod, Salmon, halibut and black cod harvested in both the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska are processed throughout the year. The plant, with origins back to the early 1900’s, has the largest salmon canning capacity of any plant in Alaska. All five species of salmon are abundant in the waters nearby King Cove. Salmon still remains a major part of the annual operation but in recent years the plant has expanded and streamlined whitefish operations. The plant produces several different product forms including pollock fillet block, shatterpack fillets, mince and surimi. Cod shatterpack fillets and salt cod are mainstays. At peak seasons, both winter and summer, nearly 500 employees man the operation

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